Afurryuwu Stats

A member of NoChallenge


Total Score 3,299,287
Time Played 127.2hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 3.48
Score Per Minute 432.23
Longest Killstreak 121
Total Kills 17,149
Total Deaths 4,931
Accuracy 19.76%
Total Distance Covered 613.69km (381.33mi)
Started Playing 2 years ago
Last Active 10 months ago

Favorite Loadouts


5994 kills


Used 2548 times


Used 728 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
NoChallenge Created the clan 2 years ago


Score 100,445
Kills 444
Deaths 175
Time Played 4.4 hours
Distance Covered 23.31km (14.48mi)
Shots Fired 11,267
Shots Hit 2,040
Accuracy 18.11%
Damage Dealt 88,492.0
Damage Received 43,097.0


Score 575,449
Kills 3,642
Deaths 668
Time Played 22.0 hours
Distance Covered 102.13km (63.46mi)
Shots Fired 108,744
Shots Hit 21,041
Accuracy 19.35%
Damage Dealt 586,503.0
Damage Received 243,728.0


Score 204,166
Kills 1,146
Deaths 458
Time Played 10.0 hours
Distance Covered 47.06km (29.24mi)
Shots Fired 45,400
Shots Hit 6,694
Accuracy 14.74%
Damage Dealt 168,431.0
Damage Received 86,986.0


Score 1,094,197
Kills 5,570
Deaths 1,318
Time Played 36.8 hours
Distance Covered 181.86km (113.00mi)
Shots Fired 153,514
Shots Hit 29,602
Accuracy 19.28%
Damage Dealt 1,003,559.0
Damage Received 363,254.0


Score 1,240,395
Kills 5,994
Deaths 2,166
Time Played 51.1 hours
Distance Covered 248.52km (154.42mi)
Shots Fired 45,451
Shots Hit 13,796
Accuracy 30.35%
Damage Dealt 1,076,802.0
Damage Received 369,004.0


Score 84,635
Kills 353
Deaths 146
Time Played 2.9 hours
Distance Covered 10.81km (6.72mi)
Shots Fired 16,365
Shots Hit 2,074
Accuracy 12.67%
Damage Dealt 68,345.0
Damage Received 29,493.0