A member of DuckEmpire


Total Score 3,170,652
Time Played 206.1hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 0.94
Score Per Minute 256.36
Longest Killstreak 71
Total Kills 11,642
Total Deaths 12,356
Accuracy 15.22%
Total Distance Covered 972.35km (604.19mi)
Started Playing 6 years ago
Last Active 2 months ago

Favorite Loadouts


3187 kills


Used 3855 times


Used 1245 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
DuckEmpire Changed the clan name from ANTIMATTER to DuckEmpire 5 months ago
DuckEmpire Changed the clan tag from ANT to DUCC 5 months ago
DuckEmpire Changed the clan tag from ANT1 to ANT 3 years ago
DuckEmpire Changed the clan tag from ANTl to ANT1 3 years ago
DuckEmpire Created the clan 3 years ago


Score 536,165
Kills 1,588
Deaths 1,853
Time Played 33.3 hours
Distance Covered 180.90km (112.41mi)
Shots Fired 85,813
Shots Hit 10,887
Accuracy 12.69%
Damage Dealt 460,955.0
Damage Received 341,791.0


Score 413,508
Kills 1,611
Deaths 1,735
Time Played 28.9 hours
Distance Covered 143.91km (89.42mi)
Shots Fired 98,078
Shots Hit 13,771
Accuracy 14.04%
Damage Dealt 379,061.0
Damage Received 303,371.0


Score 490,145
Kills 2,409
Deaths 2,581
Time Played 38.6 hours
Distance Covered 174.29km (108.30mi)
Shots Fired 118,184
Shots Hit 16,498
Accuracy 13.96%
Damage Dealt 409,529.0
Damage Received 393,613.0


Score 545,539
Kills 1,861
Deaths 1,769
Time Played 30.7 hours
Distance Covered 133.81km (83.15mi)
Shots Fired 119,909
Shots Hit 17,874
Accuracy 14.91%
Damage Dealt 576,367.0
Damage Received 328,646.0


Score 989,428
Kills 3,187
Deaths 3,905
Time Played 65.2 hours
Distance Covered 306.90km (190.70mi)
Shots Fired 45,918
Shots Hit 11,625
Accuracy 25.32%
Damage Dealt 850,470.0
Damage Received 617,686.0


Score 195,867
Kills 986
Deaths 513
Time Played 9.5 hours
Distance Covered 32.55km (20.23mi)
Shots Fired 48,833
Shots Hit 7,985
Accuracy 16.35%
Damage Dealt 278,060.0
Damage Received 95,237.0