Dem0n1 Stats


Total Score 4,141,938
Time Played 218.4hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 0.83
Score Per Minute 316.13
Longest Killstreak 46
Total Kills 8,887
Total Deaths 10,740
Accuracy 12.34%
Total Distance Covered 863.53km (536.58mi)
Started Playing 3 years ago
Last Active 1 year ago

Favorite Loadouts


3427 kills


Used 3768 times


Used 1438 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
Instinct Left the clan 2 years ago
Instinct Joined 2 years ago
808 Left the clan 2 years ago
808 Joined 2 years ago
FoxEvil Left the clan 2 years ago


Score 328,144
Kills 571
Deaths 1,154
Time Played 18.5 hours
Distance Covered 90.94km (56.51mi)
Shots Fired 33,195
Shots Hit 4,311
Accuracy 12.99%
Damage Dealt 278,928.0
Damage Received 174,295.0


Score 1,343,559
Kills 3,427
Deaths 3,042
Time Played 64.6 hours
Distance Covered 264.05km (164.08mi)
Shots Fired 324,864
Shots Hit 39,797
Accuracy 12.25%
Damage Dealt 1,186,817.0
Damage Received 659,054.0


Score 600,227
Kills 1,244
Deaths 1,990
Time Played 36.2 hours
Distance Covered 141.60km (87.99mi)
Shots Fired 120,304
Shots Hit 14,129
Accuracy 11.74%
Damage Dealt 396,264.0
Damage Received 329,661.0


Score 625,096
Kills 1,318
Deaths 1,621
Time Played 32.6 hours
Distance Covered 133.03km (82.66mi)
Shots Fired 114,271
Shots Hit 13,337
Accuracy 11.67%
Damage Dealt 445,477.0
Damage Received 312,975.0


Score 912,521
Kills 1,603
Deaths 2,237
Time Played 49.8 hours
Distance Covered 190.43km (118.33mi)
Shots Fired 33,017
Shots Hit 5,821
Accuracy 17.63%
Damage Dealt 473,843.0
Damage Received 353,569.0


Score 332,391
Kills 724
Deaths 696
Time Played 16.6 hours
Distance Covered 43.48km (27.02mi)
Shots Fired 70,040
Shots Hit 8,488
Accuracy 12.12%
Damage Dealt 306,937.0
Damage Received 143,546.0