DieDieDiePie Stats

A member of oofbois


Total Score 25,759
Time Played 1.6hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 0.49
Score Per Minute 264.77
Longest Killstreak 3
Total Kills 83
Total Deaths 171
Accuracy 19.18%
Total Distance Covered 5.86km (3.64mi)
Started Playing 3 years ago
Last Active 3 years ago

Favorite Loadouts


35 kills


Used 39 times


Used 12 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
oofbois Created the clan 3 years ago


Score 5,415
Kills 16
Deaths 43
Time Played 0.4 hours
Distance Covered 1.53km (0.95mi)
Shots Fired 759
Shots Hit 187
Accuracy 24.64%
Damage Dealt 9,237.0
Damage Received 6,716.0


Score 685
Kills 0
Deaths 4
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 155.1m (169.6yd)
Shots Fired 439
Shots Hit 136
Accuracy 30.98%
Damage Dealt 4,794.0
Damage Received 972.0


Score 6,030
Kills 35
Deaths 50
Time Played 0.5 hours
Distance Covered 1.71km (1.06mi)
Shots Fired 1,992
Shots Hit 371
Accuracy 18.62%
Damage Dealt 11,228.0
Damage Received 7,153.0


Score 1,708
Kills 3
Deaths 8
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 164.5m (179.9yd)
Shots Fired 311
Shots Hit 82
Accuracy 26.37%
Damage Dealt 3,190.0
Damage Received 1,208.0


Score 8,463
Kills 17
Deaths 37
Time Played 0.5 hours
Distance Covered 1.58km (0.98mi)
Shots Fired 235
Shots Hit 61
Accuracy 25.96%
Damage Dealt 9,058.0
Damage Received 6,914.0


Score 3,458
Kills 12
Deaths 29
Time Played 0.2 hours
Distance Covered 712.6m (779.3yd)
Shots Fired 1,341
Shots Hit 137
Accuracy 10.22%
Damage Dealt 5,193.0
Damage Received 3,962.0