ILetoutaOOFE Stats

A member of FURIOUS


Total Score 8,816,490
Time Played 415.2hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 1.51
Score Per Minute 353.91
Longest Killstreak 127
Total Kills 31,818
Total Deaths 21,134
Accuracy 15.42%
Total Distance Covered 1,769.57km (1,099.56mi)
Started Playing 5 years ago
Last Active 1 month ago

Favorite Loadouts


10835 kills


Used 7151 times


Used 2391 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
FURIOUS Joined, approved by ZeIensky 5 months ago
LXV Left the clan 5 months ago
LXV Joined 5 months ago
Legionare Left the clan 5 months ago
Legionare Is no longer leader 5 months ago


Score 1,003,734
Kills 3,213
Deaths 2,356
Time Played 46.0 hours
Distance Covered 209.10km (129.93mi)
Shots Fired 98,663
Shots Hit 18,455
Accuracy 18.71%
Damage Dealt 951,021.0
Damage Received 423,151.0


Score 1,432,411
Kills 5,833
Deaths 3,239
Time Played 61.1 hours
Distance Covered 282.55km (175.57mi)
Shots Fired 301,028
Shots Hit 50,050
Accuracy 16.63%
Damage Dealt 1,593,794.0
Damage Received 575,674.0


Score 2,834,679
Kills 10,835
Deaths 7,717
Time Played 138.6 hours
Distance Covered 573.40km (356.29mi)
Shots Fired 760,584
Shots Hit 99,908
Accuracy 13.14%
Damage Dealt 2,898,305.0
Damage Received 1,208,858.0


Score 470,697
Kills 1,750
Deaths 844
Time Played 17.9 hours
Distance Covered 75.69km (47.03mi)
Shots Fired 67,685
Shots Hit 12,876
Accuracy 19.02%
Damage Dealt 469,950.0
Damage Received 150,386.0


Score 2,691,556
Kills 8,458
Deaths 6,201
Time Played 137.7 hours
Distance Covered 577.90km (359.09mi)
Shots Fired 101,588
Shots Hit 24,267
Accuracy 23.89%
Damage Dealt 2,147,926.0
Damage Received 1,028,849.0


Score 383,413
Kills 1,729
Deaths 777
Time Played 13.9 hours
Distance Covered 50.92km (31.64mi)
Shots Fired 79,027
Shots Hit 11,594
Accuracy 14.67%
Damage Dealt 391,336.0
Damage Received 131,954.0