IceMountain Stats

A member of Drink


Total Score 21,033
Time Played 2.2hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 0.66
Score Per Minute 159.13
Longest Killstreak 7
Total Kills 63
Total Deaths 95
Accuracy 14.55%
Total Distance Covered 5.28km (3.28mi)
Started Playing 3 years ago
Last Active 3 years ago

Favorite Loadouts


31 kills


Used 25 times


Used 9 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
Drink Created the clan 3 years ago


Score 892
Kills 3
Deaths 5
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 326.8m (357.4yd)
Shots Fired 134
Shots Hit 15
Accuracy 11.19%
Damage Dealt 631.0
Damage Received 949.0


Score 1,379
Kills 7
Deaths 6
Time Played 0.2 hours
Distance Covered 344.9m (377.2yd)
Shots Fired 455
Shots Hit 67
Accuracy 14.73%
Damage Dealt 1,742.0
Damage Received 1,565.0


Score 9,313
Kills 31
Deaths 38
Time Played 0.9 hours
Distance Covered 2.19km (1.36mi)
Shots Fired 1,704
Shots Hit 224
Accuracy 13.15%
Damage Dealt 7,849.0
Damage Received 9,606.0


Score 1,320
Kills 1
Deaths 8
Time Played 0.2 hours
Distance Covered 491.1m (537.1yd)
Shots Fired 510
Shots Hit 39
Accuracy 7.65%
Damage Dealt 1,290.0
Damage Received 2,208.0


Score 571
Kills 2
Deaths 2
Time Played 0.0 hours
Distance Covered 144.4m (157.9yd)
Shots Fired 31
Shots Hit 5
Accuracy 16.13%
Damage Dealt 451.0
Damage Received 467.0


Score 7,558
Kills 19
Deaths 36
Time Played 0.8 hours
Distance Covered 1.79km (1.11mi)
Shots Fired 2,168
Shots Hit 378
Accuracy 17.44%
Damage Dealt 13,527.0
Damage Received 6,362.0