Linkz Stats

A member of Virtual


Total Score 22,304
Time Played 1.2hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 1.38
Score Per Minute 315.64
Longest Killstreak 9
Total Kills 112
Total Deaths 81
Accuracy 11.65%
Total Distance Covered 5.25km (3.26mi)
Started Playing 1 year ago
Last Active 6 months ago

Favorite Loadouts


31 kills


Used 25 times


Used 8 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
Virtual Created the clan 1 year ago


Score 6,917
Kills 31
Deaths 11
Time Played 0.3 hours
Distance Covered 1.63km (1.01mi)
Shots Fired 1,058
Shots Hit 130
Accuracy 12.29%
Damage Dealt 5,807.0
Damage Received 3,065.0


Score 2,787
Kills 21
Deaths 15
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 559.2m (611.6yd)
Shots Fired 901
Shots Hit 127
Accuracy 14.1%
Damage Dealt 2,757.0
Damage Received 2,120.0


Score 3,959
Kills 25
Deaths 22
Time Played 0.3 hours
Distance Covered 897.1m (981.0yd)
Shots Fired 2,120
Shots Hit 178
Accuracy 8.4%
Damage Dealt 3,809.0
Damage Received 3,301.0


Score 1,197
Kills 2
Deaths 6
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 193.9m (212.0yd)
Shots Fired 251
Shots Hit 28
Accuracy 11.16%
Damage Dealt 882.0
Damage Received 844.0


Score 7,219
Kills 31
Deaths 25
Time Played 0.4 hours
Distance Covered 1.92km (1.19mi)
Shots Fired 356
Shots Hit 84
Accuracy 23.6%
Damage Dealt 7,303.0
Damage Received 3,807.0


Score 225
Kills 2
Deaths 2
Time Played 0.0 hours
Distance Covered 59.6m (65.2yd)
Shots Fired 69
Shots Hit 7
Accuracy 10.14%
Damage Dealt 225.0
Damage Received 243.0