333 Clan Summary

Current Members 1
Members Left 0
Members Kicked 0
Turnover 0.00%
Total Score 648,405
Time Played 48.1hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 0.63
Score Per Minute 224.65
Longest Killstreak 26
Total Kills 1,874
Total Deaths 2,998
Accuracy 20.1%
Total Distance Covered 165.22km (102.67mi)
Clan Created 2 years ago

Favorite Loadouts


1,084 kills


Used 564 times


Used 199 times

Key Members

Username Role Total Score Time Played Overall K/D Ratio Joined Clan
jenish Leader 1,283,327 89.7hrs 0.58 2 years ago

Recent Activity

User Activity When
jenish Changed the clan tag from 7777 to 0777 2 years ago
jenish Changed the clan tag from 077 to 7777 2 years ago
jenish Created the clan 2 years ago


Score 37,496
Kills 93
Deaths 137
Time Played 2.6 hours
Distance Covered 9.34km (5.80mi)
Shots Fired 5,030
Shots Hit 1,085
Accuracy 21.57%
Damage Dealt 60,103.0
Damage Received 31,248.0


Score 119,478
Kills 347
Deaths 594
Time Played 9.2 hours
Distance Covered 32.71km (20.32mi)
Shots Fired 38,653
Shots Hit 8,341
Accuracy 21.58%
Damage Dealt 249,222.0
Damage Received 128,611.0


Score 58,210
Kills 160
Deaths 430
Time Played 5.5 hours
Distance Covered 16.76km (10.42mi)
Shots Fired 15,544
Shots Hit 3,200
Accuracy 20.59%
Damage Dealt 95,195.0
Damage Received 82,780.0


Score 19,926
Kills 39
Deaths 78
Time Played 1.2 hours
Distance Covered 3.94km (2.45mi)
Shots Fired 4,222
Shots Hit 562
Accuracy 13.31%
Damage Dealt 25,857.0
Damage Received 17,464.0


Score 361,729
Kills 1,084
Deaths 1,557
Time Played 26.5 hours
Distance Covered 93.89km (58.34mi)
Shots Fired 15,030
Shots Hit 3,474
Accuracy 23.11%
Damage Dealt 326,919.0
Damage Received 332,733.0


Score 51,566
Kills 151
Deaths 202
Time Played 3.1 hours
Distance Covered 8.59km (5.34mi)
Shots Fired 13,972
Shots Hit 1,919
Accuracy 13.73%
Damage Dealt 75,450.0
Damage Received 40,125.0