ggkiller Stats

A member of FURIOUS


Total Score 8,475,245
Time Played 377.5hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 5.76
Score Per Minute 374.14
Longest Killstreak 179
Total Kills 40,000
Total Deaths 6,942
Accuracy 17.5%
Total Distance Covered 2,090.07km (1,298.71mi)
Started Playing 6 years ago
Last Active 2 weeks ago

Favorite Loadouts


12547 kills


Used 4823 times


Used 1820 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
FURIOUS Joined, approved by ZeIensky 1 year ago
Inquisition Left the clan 1 year ago
Inquisition Joined, approved by jawbre4ker 1 year ago


Score 757,241
Kills 3,045
Deaths 658
Time Played 33.9 hours
Distance Covered 196.76km (122.26mi)
Shots Fired 77,232
Shots Hit 15,043
Accuracy 19.48%
Damage Dealt 718,256.0
Damage Received 233,574.0


Score 2,208,311
Kills 10,933
Deaths 1,581
Time Played 87.3 hours
Distance Covered 478.34km (297.23mi)
Shots Fired 431,570
Shots Hit 71,294
Accuracy 16.52%
Damage Dealt 2,086,715.0
Damage Received 638,504.0


Score 2,321,826
Kills 12,547
Deaths 2,074
Time Played 105.3 hours
Distance Covered 589.96km (366.59mi)
Shots Fired 449,648
Shots Hit 85,701
Accuracy 19.06%
Damage Dealt 2,197,217.0
Damage Received 665,713.0


Score 1,431,574
Kills 6,254
Deaths 1,145
Time Played 66.3 hours
Distance Covered 369.96km (229.89mi)
Shots Fired 288,969
Shots Hit 47,187
Accuracy 16.33%
Damage Dealt 1,451,241.0
Damage Received 349,040.0


Score 1,177,648
Kills 4,715
Deaths 978
Time Played 59.1 hours
Distance Covered 324.53km (201.66mi)
Shots Fired 43,791
Shots Hit 13,192
Accuracy 30.12%
Damage Dealt 1,037,165.0
Damage Received 307,375.0


Score 578,645
Kills 2,506
Deaths 506
Time Played 25.6 hours
Distance Covered 130.51km (81.09mi)
Shots Fired 146,438
Shots Hit 19,112
Accuracy 13.05%
Damage Dealt 535,138.0
Damage Received 163,998.0