skywalker0 Stats

A member of thekillers

Private First Class

Total Score 14,098
Time Played 2.1hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 0.22
Score Per Minute 114.77
Longest Killstreak 5
Total Kills 45
Total Deaths 206
Accuracy 6.69%
Total Distance Covered 7.51km (4.66mi)
Started Playing 3 years ago
Last Active 3 years ago

Favorite Loadouts


27 kills


Used 16 times


Used 4 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
thekillers Created the clan 3 years ago


Score 1,375
Kills 3
Deaths 36
Time Played 0.2 hours
Distance Covered 931.4m (1,018.5yd)
Shots Fired 322
Shots Hit 55
Accuracy 17.08%
Damage Dealt 2,710.0
Damage Received 4,000.0


Score 1,620
Kills 8
Deaths 28
Time Played 0.4 hours
Distance Covered 1.49km (0.92mi)
Shots Fired 1,107
Shots Hit 59
Accuracy 5.33%
Damage Dealt 1,779.0
Damage Received 3,423.0


Score 63
Kills 0
Deaths 3
Time Played 0.0 hours
Distance Covered 113.3m (123.9yd)
Shots Fired 136
Shots Hit 3
Accuracy 2.21%
Damage Dealt 48.0
Damage Received 400.0


Score 804
Kills 4
Deaths 7
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 395.2m (432.2yd)
Shots Fired 429
Shots Hit 22
Accuracy 5.13%
Damage Dealt 771.0
Damage Received 966.0


Score 1,053
Kills 3
Deaths 11
Time Played 0.2 hours
Distance Covered 691.7m (756.4yd)
Shots Fired 88
Shots Hit 25
Accuracy 28.41%
Damage Dealt 2,025.0
Damage Received 1,318.0


Score 9,183
Kills 27
Deaths 121
Time Played 1.2 hours
Distance Covered 3.89km (2.42mi)
Shots Fired 5,082
Shots Hit 315
Accuracy 6.2%
Damage Dealt 9,221.0
Damage Received 14,368.0