voXal Stats

A member of AEnigma


Total Score 25,896
Time Played 1.5hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 0.40
Score Per Minute 282.67
Longest Killstreak 6
Total Kills 74
Total Deaths 184
Accuracy 10.1%
Total Distance Covered 6.78km (4.21mi)
Started Playing 4 years ago
Last Active 3 years ago

Favorite Loadouts


34 kills


Used 26 times


Used 17 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
AEnigma Created the clan 3 years ago


Score 416
Kills 0
Deaths 1
Time Played 0.0 hours
Distance Covered 64.7m (70.8yd)
Shots Fired 27
Shots Hit 3
Accuracy 11.11%
Damage Dealt 104.0
Damage Received 124.0


Score 12,377
Kills 34
Deaths 73
Time Played 0.6 hours
Distance Covered 2.87km (1.78mi)
Shots Fired 3,900
Shots Hit 347
Accuracy 8.9%
Damage Dealt 10,843.0
Damage Received 9,396.0


Score 5,478
Kills 24
Deaths 58
Time Played 0.5 hours
Distance Covered 2.05km (1.27mi)
Shots Fired 2,008
Shots Hit 206
Accuracy 10.26%
Damage Dealt 5,002.0
Damage Received 8,241.0


Score 813
Kills 3
Deaths 6
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 177.1m (193.7yd)
Shots Fired 190
Shots Hit 20
Accuracy 10.53%
Damage Dealt 705.0
Damage Received 972.0


Score 5,844
Kills 10
Deaths 41
Time Played 0.3 hours
Distance Covered 1.43km (0.89mi)
Shots Fired 214
Shots Hit 47
Accuracy 21.96%
Damage Dealt 3,500.0
Damage Received 5,925.0


Score 968
Kills 3
Deaths 5
Time Played 0.1 hours
Distance Covered 188.7m (206.3yd)
Shots Fired 342
Shots Hit 52
Accuracy 15.2%
Damage Dealt 2,079.0
Damage Received 758.0