
Total Score 2,370,404
Time Played 165.7hrs
Overall K/D Ratio 1.04
Score Per Minute 238.46
Longest Killstreak 91
Total Kills 8,910
Total Deaths 8,587
Accuracy 23.64%
Total Distance Covered 677.21km (420.80mi)
Started Playing 3 years ago
Last Active 7 months ago

Favorite Loadouts


3461 kills


Used 2168 times


Used 1066 times

Clan Activity

Clan Activity When
KSOrder Left the clan 9 months ago
KSOrder Joined 9 months ago
SimplyNoobs Left the clan 9 months ago
SimplyNoobs Joined 9 months ago
KSOrder Left the clan 9 months ago


Score 250,524
Kills 823
Deaths 992
Time Played 16.9 hours
Distance Covered 77.33km (48.05mi)
Shots Fired 23,763
Shots Hit 6,107
Accuracy 25.7%
Damage Dealt 284,808.0
Damage Received 182,673.0


Score 770,848
Kills 3,389
Deaths 2,462
Time Played 51.5 hours
Distance Covered 202.17km (125.62mi)
Shots Fired 158,268
Shots Hit 33,116
Accuracy 20.92%
Damage Dealt 997,772.0
Damage Received 500,583.0


Score 232,199
Kills 1,044
Deaths 1,091
Time Played 18.6 hours
Distance Covered 71.67km (44.54mi)
Shots Fired 42,968
Shots Hit 9,888
Accuracy 23.01%
Damage Dealt 282,347.0
Damage Received 200,274.0


Score 32,922
Kills 115
Deaths 135
Time Played 2.7 hours
Distance Covered 10.37km (6.44mi)
Shots Fired 6,190
Shots Hit 1,529
Accuracy 24.7%
Damage Dealt 53,839.0
Damage Received 24,284.0


Score 1,063,177
Kills 3,461
Deaths 3,758
Time Played 74.1 hours
Distance Covered 309.63km (192.39mi)
Shots Fired 38,114
Shots Hit 13,100
Accuracy 34.37%
Damage Dealt 1,128,212.0
Damage Received 648,490.0


Score 20,734
Kills 78
Deaths 149
Time Played 1.8 hours
Distance Covered 6.04km (3.75mi)
Shots Fired 6,189
Shots Hit 1,374
Accuracy 22.2%
Damage Dealt 53,896.0
Damage Received 20,398.0